Customer Testimonials

What our Customers have to say

We have been working with Studio-2 for 20 plus years for various sales and marketing activities. From ads to trade show planning and execution to the use of the latest electronic techniques for getting our marketing message into our worldwide customer base, Studio-2 has done a very good professional job for us.

VP Sales & Development

Studio 2 has been an integral piece of the success of The National Children’s Study in Westmoreland. Their creativity, attention to detail, and ambition to see the Study be successful is evident in all of the work that they have done. They truly are a full-service advertising agency, and I have been impressed with all of the services they have provided.

Director of Marketing

We (Nature’s Way Market located in Greensburg, PA) have been using Studio-2 for our advertising needs for the past ten years. They are quite creative and always deliver professional material in a timely fashion.


Redstone Highlands has enjoyed working with Studio 2 since 2001. We value the relationship we have with them and consider Studio 2 an extended part of our Marketing team. They have a keen ability to understand our services and goals and are able to translate that into our advertising. Their ideas are fresh and robust. Studios 2 understands the high standards that our organization has and are most efficient in delivering well within time limits. We would highly recommend working with them.

Director of Marketing